Refund Policy

You got 14 days

If for any reason you are not happy with our product or service, simply let us know within 14 days of your purchase. We will cancel your subscription and refund 100% of your money.

Note! We will grant refunds on new purchases only. Refunds are not allowed on:
  • The lifetime plan.
  • Upgrades.
  • Renewal

Before Granting a Refund

Before we will grant a refund, we will ask you to deactivate the license key and delete the plugin from your site. We will not provide a refund while the license key and/or the plugin are still activated.

Please note! that by asking for a refund you are agreeing to deactivate the license key and delete the plugin from your site. Using the plugin without a valid license key is a violation of our terms and conditions and our refund policy.

If you decide to activate and use the plugin on your site after a refund was processed, we will assume that you have changed your mind regarding the refund and that you wish to keep using the plugin, and by doing so you are giving us permission to reinstate your subscription and charge you for the plugin.

We Refund Only Once

We allow you 14 days to test our plugin and see if it is right for you. And we understand if it isn’t and you choose to ask for a refund. However, once we provide you with a refund once, you will not be eligible for a refund on any future purchases.

We Cannot Grant Refunds For The Lifetime Plan

When we process a refund, we do not get back the transaction fee that we paid when the purchase was made. The transaction fee is a percentage of the total purchase amount. Because of the high price of the lifetime plan, we cannot offer refunds on it.

If you wish to test the plugin before purchasing the lifetime plan, we suggest that you first purchase the personal plan, test it for up to 14 days, and if you decide that the plugin is right for you, you could then upgrade to the lifetime plan.

We cannot grant refunds on subscription payments

Once a purchase is made on our website, a yearly subscription is created automatically. You can cancel the subscription at any time from your account page. We will send you 2 reminders, 2 weeks, and again one week before an automatic payment takes place. It is your responsibility to cancel the subscription before it takes place. We will not grant refunds on subscriptions payment.

Still now sure?

You can contact us with any questions regarding the refund policy or any pre-sale questions before making purcahse.